( 28 Days Later: The Aftermath) A group of activists sent by the AFF later broke into the lab and freed one of the infected chimpanzee test subjects. ( 28 Days Later: The Aftermath) ReleaseĪfter the Rage Virus developed, Clive quit from the project and informed the Animal Freedom Front about the experimentation on animals out of disgust at what he and Warren had created. However, within two weeks, several isolated genomes in the Ebola Virus reacted to the inhibitor and mutated, causing the inhibitor to have the opposite effect – instead of inhibiting anger, it caused its hosts to become full of constant, uncontrollable rage – and creating the Rage Virus. History OriginĬambridge scientists Clive and Warren were hired to try and isolate the specific neurochemicals that cause anger and excessive aggression in humans in order to develop an inhibitor that regulates anger control issues.Īfter they successfully developed an inhibitor, Warren believed that delivering widespread with a pill or an aerosol wouldn’t do, and decided to use the Ebola Virus as a delivery system.
It is the main catalyst and an antagonistic force during the events of the series.
It is a virulent, bloodborne virus that sends its hosts into a state of extreme, uncontrollable rage. The Rage Virus, also known simply as (the) Infection, is a fictional disease in 28 Days Later.