Set in the fictional town of Bullworth, the single-player story follows juvenile delinquent student James 'Jimmy' Hopkins, who is involuntarily enrolled at Bullworth Academy for a year, and his efforts to rise through the ranks of the school system in order to put a stop to bullying. The game is played from a third-person perspective and its open world is navigated on foot, skateboard, motor scooter, bicycle, or go-kart. An updated version of the Scholarship Edition, titled Anniversary Edition, was developed by War Drum Studios and released for Android and iOS on 8 December 2016. Bully was re-released for PlayStation 4 available via PlayStation Network on 22 March 2016. A remastered version of the game, subtitled Scholarship Edition, was developed by Mad Doc Software and released on 4 March 2008 for Xbox 360 and Wii, and on 21 October 2008 for Microsoft Windows. It was released on 17 October 2006 for the PlayStation 2.
Bully (originally released in the PAL region as Canis Canem Edit) is an action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar Vancouver and published by Rockstar Games.